ADR- and Excellence-certified roses are varieties that have proven to meet the strictest requirements through inspections for 3 years. By choosing these rose varieties, you are assured of healthy roses that grow well in our climate without the use of pesticides.
Non-certified roses have not had this inspection but that does not mean these varieties don’t meet the criteria. You just do not have the guarantee. On the internet, including this site, you can find sufficient information on the most common varieties to make a conscious choice.
Before a rose may be called Excellence, it must be inspected for 3 years.
Varieties submitted for inspection are planted in 5 test gardens in the Netherlands and Belgium, where they grow without the use of pesticides.
During three years, 4 times a year, Excellence awarded roses scored satisfactorily based on strict criteria on various properties.
Health, especially resistance to leaf diseases like mildew, rust and black spot, without the use of fungicides (including organic ones) is by far the most important criterion. Flowering richness, vigour, flower shape, colour and scent and self-cleaning of spent flowers are also assessed. Finally, points are given for overall impression.
An Excellence inspection garden has been incorporated in De Rozenhof Lottum.
As of 1-1-2025, 88 rose varieties were awarded the Excellence certificate. By far the majority of those can be admired in De Rozenhof.
Most ADR roses (‘Allgemeine Deutsche Rosenneuheitenprüfung’) have also been given a nice spot in De Rozenhof’s garden. In 1948, the inspection to obtain the ADR certificate was introduced in Germany to improve the health of newly introduced roses, and the ‘ADR Rose’ brand has since gained a great brand recognition, especially in Germany. The inspection for the ADR certificate is widely recognised as one of the strictest in the world. The submitted roses are planted in 12 ADR inspection gardens all over Germany.
There they also grow without the use of plant protection products and are inspected over three years according to nine criteria concerning shrub, leaf, flower and overall impression. Again, leaf health, especially resistance to leaf diseases, is the most important criterion. In addition to the criteria used at an Excellence inspection, ADR also judges on winter hardiness.
Since 2018, an ADR predicate is awarded for a period of 15 years only, because in many varieties health is slowly deteriorating due to reduced resistance or more aggressive pathogens. After these 15 years, the breeder can register the variety again for the 3-year inspection, after which the predicate can be awarded again for another15 years.
As of 1-11-2024, there are 174 varieties with the ADR-Rose predicate.
There are currently 20 varieties that have been awarded both the Excellence Rose and ADR Rose designations. These 20 varieties have all been planted at De Rozenhof.
On this website, you can find all ADR- and Excellence-certified rose varieties with corresponding characteristics and beautiful photos.
In addition, you will also find rose varieties in De Rozenhof that have no predicate.
Closed on August 7, 8, 9 & 12 due to the construction of the Rose Festival Lottum, this party will take place on August 9, 10 & 11.
De Rozenhof is geopend t/m 27 oktober 2024.
Tijdens de wintermaanden zijn wij geopend op zondagen van 13.30 – 16.30 uur voor koffie, thee en meer.
From 3 May, De Rozenhof is open again.
During the winter months, we are open on Sundays from 13:30 – 16:30 for coffee, tea and more.